With the beginning of autumn, the familiar symptoms of respiratory allergies also appear: runny nose (or the constant “drop” in the nose), sneezing, coughing, eyes in tears. It is estimated that the prevalence of respiratory allergies such as allergic rhinitis is between 10-30% of the world population (WHO). In addition to the pandemic times we are experiencing, these are also the symptoms we all want to escape from, whether due to the looks of someone else's panic, or because they are the same symptoms of Covid-19 infection that can lead to quarantines, tests and countless complications.
There is undoubtedly an important role for food in preventing these allergies. However, it is important to mention and emphasize that the result is not immediate and happens as a result of a continuous process of lifestyle change.
Thus, our nutritionist Sumeya Osman, leaves some suggestions that will act in the prevention of respiratory allergies:
- Inflammation reduction- identify foods that may be potentiating inflammation, such as: saturated fat present in processed products, cold meats, red meats, fried, puff pastry, etc.); sugar and its derivatives; processed flours, alcohol.
- Identify, if allergens most common such as milk, soy, egg, crustaceans, gluten, are potentiators of allergies. The evidence shows that consumption of these allergens can potentially exacerbate the manifestation of respiratory allergy symptoms. However, exclusion diets must be individualized on a case-by-case basis and monitored by accredited health professionals (nutritionists).
- Caring for the intestine performing a diet rich in fiber, present in foods of plant origin such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains and legumes. It is also in these foods that we find a series of bioactive compounds (substances / compounds present in food, which, although not essential nutrients, present health benefits. Examples are carotenoids, ginger gingerol, curcumin of curcuma) with important antioxidant and anti-inflammatory functions.
- Enrich feeding with foods with anti-inflammatory actions such as: ginger, teas / infusions, turmeric + black pepper, cocoa.
- After reviewing all the food, consider the need for supplementation, with a view to strengthening the immune system. Examples of interesting supplements include:
- Vitamin D - which is a nutrient with a fundamental role in regulating immunity - especially during the winter when sun exposure is reduced;
- Propolis to improve the inflammatory response;
- Probiotics;
It should be noted that different people react differently to different stimuli / triggers. Therefore, all nutritional interventions must be accompanied by a nutritionist. You can make an appointment with our nutritionist on here.
Sumeya Osman - Banknote 2741N - ON